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What is MESH

Welcome to MESH – the Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow initiative. MESHGuides are research summaries designed to support teacher professional judgement by giving all teachers free access to the latest knowledge. The word ‘MESH’ was chosen as it represents the interconnectedness of the knowledge required for teaching. MESH is a teacher/researcher led, international knowledge management and knowledge exchange system using digital tools and volunteers to keep costs low. OECD TALIS research shows that no country is managing to keep teachers up-to-date in subject and pedagogic knowledge. MESH was developed following Global Teacher Education Knowledge Mobilisation Summits held in 2016 and 2017 where teacher educators  developed the…

Research Informed School self-Evaluation (RISE)

What is RISE? Research Informed School Self Evaluation (RISE) is an approach that involves schools and teachers using research-based evidence to evaluate and improve their practices. It emphasises the use of data and research findings to inform decision-making and drive improvements in teaching and learning. Here’s why RISE is important for schools and teachers: Evidence-based decision-making: RISE encourages schools and teachers to rely on research and data-driven evidence rather than working solely on personal opinions or assumptions. This ensures that decisions regarding curriculum, teaching methods, and student support are informed by proven strategies and best practices. Improved student outcomes: By using the RISE, schools and

Resources for Education in Emergencies from INEE

Here are descriptions of some resources provided by the international network for education in emergencies (INEE).  These resources may be useful for settings beyond those in crisis. Psycho Social Skills 1. This resource provides information on teacher wellbeing, emphasizing its importance in education, especially in crisis-affected contexts. It offers tools and resources to support teacher wellbeing in emergency settings. This is relevant for teachers working in emergency settings as it can help them manage their wellbeing, which is crucial for effective teaching. 2. PSS-SEL Toolbox | INEE: This toolbox contains a variety of tools to meet the needs of different stakeholders working on Psychosocial

Five ways to support a pregnant or parenting girl to thrive in school

Infographics derived from research undertaken by the UK Girls Education Challenge using interviews with girls and project teams in Kenya (May 2022) forming Practice Brief 3 proposing Five ways to support a pregnant or parenting girl to thrive in school Full size infographics     

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We provide teachers and other educators with quick access to summaries of research-based specialist knowledge to support their professional judgement. Click for list

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