The MESH network of researchers, founder members and associations has been working on developing and testing the ideas for mobilising research knowledge, using resources already in the education system over a number of years. The summary below provides examples of five different models developed with the following partners:

  • Several professional associations – BATOD Foundation (Teachers of the Deaf), Dyslexia and Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
  • VSO, an NGO where we developed a Guide for Early Years Education and summaries for parents and trainees in the Rohingya Camps.
  • Regional and local networks – sponsored by universities training teachers – Winchester UK, and Melbourne, Australia.
  • University PhD supervisors and students – from Africa, UK and Pakistan
  • Specialist Research Units – Microbiology at De Montfort University, UK and Classroom Dialogue at the University of Cambridge, UK.

We see scaling up Teacher Research as a sixth model, and the mobilising of research knowledge held by individual researchers as a seventh model.

Our research and development has led to research summaries which have been refined and tested with teachers over a number of years.

We now invite organisations in the above five categories to integrate the writing of a research summary, a MESHGuide, as an addition to any research that they are publishing if it is particularly relevant to teachers – either their subject or pedagogic knowledge. For those who have deep research knowledge, working with teachers to establish what is relevant to practice can be a relatively quick process. Contact for further information.