Events are held from time to time to consult MESHGuide users and creators. Below are some examples:

2018, 9 November Blue Skies Education Futures Event – invitation only.

This was a closed event, bringing together lead authors and educators in a workshop/webinar to develop and consider Education Futures scenarios.

2018, 15 November Extending the Reach and Impact of your research (and MESH AGM), Leicester.

Purpose: training, networking, holding the AGM.

Audience: This was open to anyone with an interest in finding out more about translational/transformational research and MESHGuides.

Format: The morning was informal, supporting networking and knowledge sharing coupled with training in the use of the Analytics tools so that authors can see the data showing where their research is being read. The afternoon workshop  focused on training in the writing of MESHGuides and answering outstanding questions from participants.

2019, 4 October 3rd Global Knowledge Mobilisation Summit, London, UK


  • Introduce the five cost effective models for translational research developed by the MESH Network (See Younie, S., Audain, J., Leask, M., Procter, R., Shelton, C. (2018) Mobilising knowledge through global partnerships to support research-informed teaching: five models for translational research here). A sixth model for teacher engagement – now the RISE initiative – was under development.
  • Engage research commissioners and  research users in discussions about how to change practices so as to ensure research knowledge accumulates, is relevant and accessible to teachers and parents and other users of educational research.
  • Extend the network of organisations committed to open sharing of knowledge via research summaries.

Format: Short presentations followed by debate and discussion on round tables with outcomes captured, published and acted on where possible. This Summit built on two earlier Summits, the ways of working for MESH and the work presented on the MESHGuides site are outcomes of this consultation.

Training and Webinars

Training in translational/transformational research methods is available and is delivered by webinar or face to face. Contact for further information.

Founder member and Associates’ events

Direction of the MESHGuides initiative is shaped by the International Board for the Education Futures Collaboration charity, the Trustees and the Executive Board which meets weekly.

Keep in touch by signing up on the main website ( for regular newsletters, follow our Twitter account and ‘Like’ our Facebook page to receive updates and watch our progress.

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