Major MESHGuides which provide an overview of accumulated evidence in specific areas are being created through collaborative work between classroom practitioners and experts. One pattern of working is to bring researchers and classroom practitioners together through a couple of residential events and or virtual meetings to pool and test out knowledge. The Spelling Guide provides one example of this type of MESHGuide. Other examples are to be found in Guides on the use of iPads (MESH ICT Editorial Board colleagues), Teaching English as an Additional Language (Dr Naomi Flynn and colleagues, University of Winchester, UK) and Teaching as a Clinically Based Profession (Dr Larissa McLean Davies, University of Melbourne).
Other MESHGuides are of a smaller scale, based on an individual or small group’s research, and over time these will build as evidence of effective practice and impact on learners in different settings is submitted.
Also, in development are a number of major guides developed through collaborations between educators in Australia, Egypt, various European Countries, UK, USA, New Zealand funded by the: British Council and the European Union:
See Model 5 for more information.
In each of these cases, new researchers, classroom practitioners and academic experts in the field are combining research, evidence and professional judgement to support the translation of research into practical advice. Members of Professional Associations are also leading in producing MESHGuides in their specialist areas.
These in depth guides take a year or so to complete. If you are interested in finding out more about this way of working email We suggest groups needing funding try crowd funding as a way to generate funds to bring groups together to work on barriers to learning commonly experienced by learners.