Resources for Psycho Social Skills Teaching During Emergencies

This is an evidence informed resource collated for the VSO Task group on Psycho Social Skils and Emotional Learning. It includes materials for teaching these skills as part of a response to an emergency such as COVID 19. Some of these activities and resources will need adaptation to the circumstances of lock down and the return to new educational provision. The material has been reviewed by educationalists with experience in teaching in emergency settings as well as developing and developed educational systems.  

Psychosocial Support and Social & Emotional Learning for Children and Youth in Emergency Settings Working with Children and Their Environment: Manual of Psycho-social skills Skills for Life for Children: Life Skills and Psychosocial Support for Children in Emergencies Life Skills and Psycho-Social Support for  Children and Youth in Emergencies Training Manual for Teachers
Manual of PSS cover Training Manual for PSS cover
This is a very useful introduction to the evidence base and concepts behind Psycho Social skills and their importance in emergencies. In 2005, Terre des hommes developed a pilot-project called “Movement, Games and Sport (MGS) for the psychosocial development of children”, based on methodologies developed and tested in Switzerland, then implemented in Iran, Colombia and Sri Lanka. This Teacher Guide is written for teachers from all backgrounds and with all levels of experience. The
teacher does not need to be an expert on the topics to teach children useful skills. This guide has four modules:
1. Psychosocial Wellbeing
2. Peace and Conflict Resolution
3. Protection
4. Health
A training manual for teachers of all backgrounds
Psychosocial Support of Children
In Emergencies In Emergencies
Evaluating the Psycho-Social Environment of your School Skills for Health: Skills-based health education including life skills: Case Study: Learning to Live Together: Building Skills, Values and Attitudes for the 21st Century
Cover of PPS Support in Emergencies by Unicef Cover of Evaluating the PSS of your school Cover of Skills for Health Cover of Learning to Live together
A Unicef document from 2009 that provides a framework and key concepts for the teaching of PSS in Emergencies This tool contains a questionnaire (the Psycho-social Environment Profile) developed by the World Health Organisation to evaluate the extent to which a schools environment contributes to the social and emotional well-being of its students and staff. At appropriate developmental levels, from pre-school through early adulthood, young people can engage in learning experiences that help them prevent disease and injury and that foster healthy relationships. They can acquire the knowledge and skills they need, for example, to practice basic hygiene and sanitation; negotiate and make healthy decisions about sexual and reproductive health choices; or listen and communicate well in relationships. A study published by UNESCO International Bureau of Education, this book is geared toward national policy-makers, curriculum specialists, and educators alike. It synthesizes many goals, such as education for peace, human rights, citizenship and health-preserving behaviours, for the ultimate aim of “learning to live together”.
Ethiopian Draft Social Emotional Skills Resources
SELS Manual SELS Activities Pack SELS Psycho Social Stories Psychosocial Support Project in Ethiopia:
What worked, why did it work and what can we learn?
Ethiopian SELS cover cover of the SELS activity pack Cover Sels stories 1 Psycho Social Skills in Ethiopia Front page
Guidance on the content and use of the SELS materials and activities A draft collection of resources adapted from the UK SEAL materials of 2009 .to be translated and contextualised for different local language regions of Ethiopia . A set of three stories from different cultures aimed at developing psychosocial skills by discussion and activity
Story 1  Story 2 Story 3 
 The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the inherent resilience  and well-being of primary school children and teachers affected by internal conflicts. The project trained 2,272 teacher educators from the 9 target teacher education colleges (TECs) and elementary schools set up in the four regions of the country. The training included training of trainers (ToT) in Psychosocial Support Services, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), alongside the production of training manuals, Education in Emergency (EiE) reference materials and follow up.
See Also    
Psycho Social Support Resources for Staff  Resources for Educational Project Staff to deal with Covid 19 Resources for Teaching about Viral Transfer and Safety
MESH Page on PSS support for Staff Resources for Educational Project Staff Dealing with COVID 19 A Germs Journey MESH