Numeracy for All (VSO)

Numeracy for all

This MESHGuide has been developed and checked by members of the MESH Numeracy for All Editorial Board. It provides collective wisdom of experienced teachers and researchers, supported by a summary of existing research on Mathematics and the development of Numeracy for All. We invite readers to expand the Guide by submitting case studies and by drawing our attention to relevant research and advice.

Acoustics – hearing, listening and learning

One of the critical requirements for effective learning is that children and young people hear clearly what is said to them. Far too many pupils in schools do not make the progress of which they are capable because they cannot consistently hear speech clearly. Can all your pupils hear intelligibly what you and their fellow pupils are saying to them wherever they or you are in the classroom? Do you have to repeat your instructions, advice, questions and answers, because your pupils don’t hear you the first time? Do they have to repeat what they say to you because you are unable to hear clearly what they are saying? Do you know which of your pupils are having problems hearing you? There are several problems associated with pupils struggling to hear speech clearly and there are a number of solutions that can help overcome many of these problems.

Teaching English as an Additional Language (EAL)

This guide is written principally to support teachers and learning support assistants working with EAL learners in any educational setting and who are at any stage of fluency in the learning of English. It will also support senior leaders in their strategic response to the EAL learners in their schools. As with all MESHGuides it seeks to share knowledge with professionals in order to support the growth of evidence informed practice that works in promoting the best in pupil outcomes.