Research-informed practice has always been used in schools to improve practice but its implementation has varied widely in its consistency from school to school.
More recently, there has been a push for research and evidence-based practice to be used much more frequently, consistently and widely in schools. In fact, some schools or academies trusts now run their own research centres. Many school and academies have developed closer links with universities and research school networks to support evidence-based practice.
With the recent demise of the research school networks in England, MESHGuides have recognised a need to support schools and academies in their use of research to inform practice. Such research may have originated from other sources such as the Education Endowment Foundation, the Sutton Trust and EU Collaborative Projects and from a school’s own initiated research. This can easily be used to inform teaching, deepen professional learning, support leadership development and provide substantiating evidence for a school’s own accountability agenda.
The MESHGuides RISE toolkit is designed specifically to support school self-evaluation and
‘planning for improvement’ processes. Its aim is to help schools to be more secure in their self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy in the key areas of leadership, learning and accountability.
Rise draws on a vast experience of school leadership, innovation in pedagogy and research in general across the education sector in the UK and in other countries across the world. Members of the MESHGuides community of practice have used their extensive network of expertise to put together a toolkit for schools to help them self-assess where they are in terms of research-
informed practice at both strategic and operational levels and how they can use this self-evaluation to inform planning, classroom practice and school development and improvement.
We are currently seeking partner schools who would like to pilot this RISE toolkit so that we can test-drive the interactive resource before making it freely available to schools and academies in the UK and the rest of the world.
If you would like to be part of this project or you just want even more information, please contact us at – we look forward to working with you to review and refine this important step forward in supporting Research-Informed School self-Evaluation.