This is a selection of resources reviewed by the VSO Task Group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning Focus on Stress and Trauma Helping Children Cope with Stress My Hero is You A simple and direct poster with useful non technical advice for practitioners, teachers and parents. May be outdated in places as lock-down is not universal.. A story book that deals with children’s fears about this virus and what they can do to feel safe and have a connection with their world while they feel isolated. It also deals with people dying from the virus and why quarantine and lock-downs have been putRead More →

These resources were compiled by the VSO Task Group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning as a response to the COVID 19 emergency to support staff and key workers. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak: Rights, Roles And Responsibilities Of Health Workers, Including Key Considerations For Occupational Safety And Health Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak  Version 1.0 IASC Guidelines for mental health and psycho-social support in emergency settings Psychological First Aid for Field Workers During an Emergency Health workers are at the front line of any outbreak response and as such are exposed to hazards that put them atRead More →

This is an evidence informed resource collated for the VSO Task group on Psycho Social Skils and Emotional Learning. It includes materials for teaching these skills as part of a response to an emergency such as COVID 19. Some of these activities and resources will need adaptation to the circumstances of lock down and the return to new educational provision. The material has been reviewed by educationalists with experience in teaching in emergency settings as well as developing and developed educational systems.   Psychosocial Support and Social & Emotional Learning for Children and Youth in Emergency Settings Working with Children and Their Environment: Manual of Psycho-socialRead More →

Materials rescued from the archive English Strategies Initiative      New Beginnings Getting on and Falling  Out Say no to Bullying Going for Goals Introduction and Overview Foundation Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Staff Development Parent Support Whole School     Good to be me Relationships Changes Introduction and Overview Introductory slides Staff Development Materials for Foundation Stage Foundation Good to be Me Materials Years 1 & 2 Good to be Me Materials Years 3 & 4 Good to be Me Materials Years 5 & 6   Good to be Me Materials Staff Development Staff Development Materials ParentRead More →