Here are descriptions of some resources provided by the international network for education in emergencies (INEE).  These resources may be useful for settings beyond those in crisis. Psycho Social Skills 1. This resource provides information on teacher wellbeing, emphasizing its importance in education, especially in crisis-affected contexts. It offers tools and resources to support teacher wellbeing in emergency settings. This is relevant for teachers working in emergency settings as it can help them manage their wellbeing, which is crucial for effective teaching. 2. PSS-SEL Toolbox | INEE: This toolbox contains a variety of tools to meet the needs of different stakeholders working on PsychosocialRead More →

This is a evidence informed resource collated for the VSO Task group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning.. This focuses on positive behaviour support (PBS)for those whose behaviour we find challenging. “The overall aim of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. This includes children, young people adults as well as older people.” . PBS is a values based approach based on human rights and inclusion, working in partnership with the person and their family to eliminate unnecessary restrictions.. It uses a range of methods to find out what a person’sRead More →

During the current period of lock down much learning is continuing on line. Here is a collection of activities and games that can facilitate the development of psycho social emotional skills. They were developed from the Labour Government social emotional behavioural strategies under open government license and then adapted for a psycho-social emotional skills project supported by UNICEF and VSO for Education in Emergencies in Ethiopia by a pan African collective of volunteers who became known as the Hyena Squadron The evidence is clear that education in emergencies needs to focus on psycho-social emotional skills which can be taught. We now have an emergency acrossRead More →