What is RISE? Research Informed School Self Evaluation (RISE) is an approach that involves schools and teachers using research-based evidence to evaluate and improve their practices. It emphasises the use of data and research findings to inform decision-making and drive improvements in teaching and learning. Here’s why RISE is important for schools and teachers: Evidence-based decision-making: RISE encourages schools and teachers to rely on research and data-driven evidence rather than working solely on personal opinions or assumptions. This ensures that decisions regarding curriculum, teaching methods, and student support are informed by proven strategies and best practices. Improved student outcomes: By using the RISE, schools andRead More →

Here are descriptions of some resources provided by the international network for education in emergencies (INEE).  These resources may be useful for settings beyond those in crisis. Psycho Social Skills 1. This resource provides information on teacher wellbeing, emphasizing its importance in education, especially in crisis-affected contexts. It offers tools and resources to support teacher wellbeing in emergency settings. This is relevant for teachers working in emergency settings as it can help them manage their wellbeing, which is crucial for effective teaching. https://inee.org/collections/teacher-wellbeing 2. PSS-SEL Toolbox | INEE: This toolbox contains a variety of tools to meet the needs of different stakeholders working on PsychosocialRead More →

Research-informed practice has always been used in schools to improve practice but its implementation has varied widely in its consistency from school to school. More recently, there has been a push for research and evidence-based practice to be used much more frequently, consistently and widely in schools.  In fact, some schools or academies trusts now run their own research centres. Many school and academies have developed closer links with universities and research school networks to support evidence-based practice. With the recent demise of the research school networks in England, MESHGuides have recognised a need to support schools and academies in their use of research toRead More →

MESH Usage and Audiences

There have been 211,383 users viewing 462,856 pages of content between 2016 and 2020.

Educational Futures Charity/MESHGuides – COVID-19 pandemic – emergency response work from March-Nov 2020 International Partnerships:

1) EFC/MESHGUIDES Steering Committee has been leading a new international MESHGuide on Covid19 and managing education in a pandemic, for teachers globally (inc. info to combat fake news on coronavirus).

2) EFC/MESHGUIDES CEO and co-chairs ran regular weekly meetings with the MESHGUIDES International Council, across the UN regions, focusing on how different countries are managing their education sectors during COVID-19 pandemic (April-June).

This is a selection of resources reviewed by the VSO Task Group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning Focus on Stress and Trauma Helping Children Cope with Stress My Hero is You A simple and direct poster with useful non technical advice for practitioners, teachers and parents. May be outdated in places as lock-down is not universal.. A story book that deals with children’s fears about this virus and what they can do to feel safe and have a connection with their world while they feel isolated. It also deals with people dying from the virus and why quarantine and lock-downs have been putRead More →

These resources were compiled by the VSO Task Group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning as a response to the COVID 19 emergency to support staff and key workers. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak: Rights, Roles And Responsibilities Of Health Workers, Including Key Considerations For Occupational Safety And Health Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak  Version 1.0 IASC Guidelines for mental health and psycho-social support in emergency settings Psychological First Aid for Field Workers During an Emergency Health workers are at the front line of any outbreak response and as such are exposed to hazards that put them atRead More →

This is a evidence informed resource collated for the VSO Task group on Psycho Social Skills and Emotional Learning.. This focuses on positive behaviour support (PBS)for those whose behaviour we find challenging. “The overall aim of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. This includes children, young people adults as well as older people.” . PBS is a values based approach based on human rights and inclusion, working in partnership with the person and their family to eliminate unnecessary restrictions.. It uses a range of methods to find out what a person’sRead More →

This is an evidence informed resource collated for the VSO Task group on Psycho Social Skils and Emotional Learning. It includes materials for teaching these skills as part of a response to an emergency such as COVID 19. Some of these activities and resources will need adaptation to the circumstances of lock down and the return to new educational provision. The material has been reviewed by educationalists with experience in teaching in emergency settings as well as developing and developed educational systems.   Psychosocial Support and Social & Emotional Learning for Children and Youth in Emergency Settings Working with Children and Their Environment: Manual of Psycho-socialRead More →

During the current period of lock down much learning is continuing on line. Here is a collection of activities and games that can facilitate the development of psycho social emotional skills. They were developed from the Labour Government social emotional behavioural strategies under open government license and then adapted for a psycho-social emotional skills project supported by UNICEF and VSO for Education in Emergencies in Ethiopia by a pan African collective of volunteers who became known as the Hyena Squadron The evidence is clear that education in emergencies needs to focus on psycho-social emotional skills which can be taught. We now have an emergency acrossRead More →

Materials rescued from the archive English Strategies Initiative      New Beginnings Getting on and Falling  Out Say no to Bullying Going for Goals Introduction and Overview Foundation Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Staff Development Parent Support Whole School     Good to be me Relationships Changes Introduction and Overview Introductory slides Staff Development Materials for Foundation Stage Foundation Good to be Me Materials Years 1 & 2 Good to be Me Materials Years 3 & 4 Good to be Me Materials Years 5 & 6   Good to be Me Materials Staff Development Staff Development Materials ParentRead More →

MESHGuide authors and associates are creating podcasts with voicEd teachers’ radio.

voicEd is a web radio station based in Canada and is a MESH partner. (See voicEd.ca for a wide range of podcasts on educational matters.

MESH International Attendees

International Press release: 03 June 2019 MESHGuides free research-based online database, nominated for prestigious YIDAN Prize, the world’s largest education prize Key words: Educators as change agents; Re-framing teachers’ roles; Re-framing research and publishing expectations of academic staff; Creative approach; Knowledge bridge; Translational Research MESH is a worldwide network of educators who are working voluntarily, to share, freely, research-based knowledge with teachers, parents, policy makers and research funders. The key outputs of the network are MESHGuides published in a free research-based online resource bank that is accessed in 193 of the 196 countries in the world. As a result of MESHGuides involvement in key sustainabilityRead More →

A MESHguide displayed on a laptop

UK Press release: 03 June 2019 UK’s best kept education secret, MESHGuides free research-based online database, nominated for prestigious YIDAN Prize, the world’s largest education prize Key words: Educators as change agents; Re-framing teachers’ roles; Re-framing research and publishing expectations of academic staff; Creative approach; Knowledge bridge; Translational Research MESH is a worldwide network of educators who are working voluntarily, to share, freely, research-based knowledge with teachers, parents, policy makers and research funders. The key outputs of the network are MESHGuides published in a free research-based online resource bank that is accessed in 193 of the 196 countries in the world. As a result ofRead More →